Privacy Policy

The CloudMedic, Inc. (“CloudMedic”) respects your privacy and are committed to protecting it at all times. This online Privacy Policy explains how CloudMedic collects, uses, shares and safeguards information on its various websites and apps. We collect information about our users in three ways: directly from the user, from our Web server logs and through cookies and other technologies. We use the information we collect primarily to provide you with a personalized Internet experience that delivers the information, resources, and services that are most relevant and helpful to you.

We don’t share any of the information you provide with others, unless we say so in this Privacy Policy, or at the point of submission, or when we believe in good faith that the law requires it. Before you use our various services, you should carefully review this Policy and our related Terms of Use. Only submit personal information and use our services, if you accept this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.

If you do not want agree with the Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, you should end this session now and refrain from using our website in the future.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend the Policy at any time, for any reason.  We will notify you as required by law, and indicate at the end of Policy when the latest revisions occurred.

Information Collected and How it is Used

Information we collect

When you create an account to become a registered user on our sites, such as _______________ or choose to interact with us in other ways, you will be invited to submit certain information, which we collect in order to fulfill your expectations and anticipate your needs. The product or service that you seek will determine the personal information collected. Our need and basis for collecting and processing this information is to deliver the products you purchased or requested, service your information or publication order, and other purposes listed below, toward fulfilling your needs and expectations.    

CloudMedic’s websites use cookies and tracking tools that will recognize IP addresses, digital device identifiers and browsers, which help us analyze visitors’ practices and preferences. 

How we use information

Once collected, CloudMedic may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Register you for programs and services you have requested
  • Process, fulfill and follow up on your orders
  • Answer your emails or on-line requests
  • Send information you request and verify your current information
  • Ensure the CloudMedic sites are relevant to your needs
  • Deliver CloudMedic services such as newsletters, meetings or events
  • Present focused advertising that might interest you
  • Recommend content that suits you
  • Notify you about new products/services, special offers, upgrades and other related information


You can manage your account, limit alerts or opt-out of some or all future communications. All e-mail communications contain an “unsubscribe” option in case you want to discontinue the communication at any time. When we contract with vendors to deliver emails to you on our behalf, they are under agreement and limited from using your email address and other personal information for any other purpose.

With whom we may share information

CloudMedic may share personal information with our business partners in order to provide them an opportunity to offer products or services. CloudMedic engages other companies to provide limited services on our behalf including, but not limited to, processing payment card transactions, packaging, mailing and delivering purchases, answering customer questions about products or services, and customer orders, consulting services, data modeling, session monitoring and website analytics, printing, sending postal mail and processing membership orders for products and services, and event registration, email distribution, website and systems hosting, and data storage. We only provide those companies with access to information as is required to deliver the service. They are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose. Except as described in this section, third parties may not collect personally identifiable information about your online activities over time or across different Web sites when you use our web sites.

Disclosure to third parties

CloudMedic may disclose your personal information to a third party when:

(1) reasonably necessary to perform a service or deliver a product or publication or focus an offer specifically to you; (2) authorized by you; (3) permitted under this Privacy Policy; (4) required by statue or regulation; or (5) in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process served on CloudMedic; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of CloudMedic; (c) protect the personal safety of CloudMedic personnel or members of the public in urgent circumstances; or (d) enforce CloudMedic’s Privacy Policy or Terms of Use.

Tracking activity on our website

CloudMedic tracks how its sites are used by both anonymous visitors and registered users who interact with the site by using “cookies”.  A cookie is a small file or string of text on the site user’s computer that is used to aid Web navigation. Two types of cookies are commonly used. A session cookie is created by a website when that website is accessed; that type of cookie is automatically deleted by closing the Web browser. A persistent cookie is a cookie that is stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer for a period of time chosen by the website that set the cookie, usually for a number of years, unless the user deletes it manually. This policy distinguishes between short-lived cookies and long-lasting cookies. Short-lived cookies include all session cookies and those persistent cookies that are set to be stored for no more than one week. CloudMedic websites may at times require users to accept short-lived cookies in order for the websites to function properly. Long-lasting cookies may be used on the site to track visitor practices to help determine which site features and services are most important and guide editorial direction. Other long-lasting cookies may make it possible for the user to access the site without requiring entry of a user name or password, allow the user to view different restricted areas of the site without reregistering, allow the user to personalize the site for future use and provide other features and benefits. Users who do not desire the functionality created by the long-lasting cookies can disable the long-lasting cookie function by disabling the long-lasting cookie function on their Web browser. Individuals can opt out of long-lasting cookie functions at any time.

Third party tracking on our websites and apps

Ad networks and data analytics firms track and analyze traffic on the CloudMedic sites, in part, to determine advertising effectiveness, browser types and website usage trends, website and systems performance and to present targeted ads based on anonymous information collected through tracking. Third-party vendors and service providers may then pool the anonymous information that they collect from our websites with other sources of information, which may include your name and mailing address, for purposes of determining whether you might be interested in receiving services. This anonymous aggregate data on visitors and their use of our content provides business intelligence to better serve visitors, improve our content and track trends that might signal the outbreak of an infectious disease, or contribute to improving health outcomes. If you open an ad, you leave our sites and become subject to the terms and practices of that separate website, which may have different rules about tracking and data usage.

Information security

The CloudMedic implements security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. We restrict access to personal information to our employees and the CloudMedic’s business partners who may need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our services. These individuals are bound by confidentiality obligations and may be subject to discipline, including termination and criminal prosecution, if they fail to meet these obligations.

How information is safeguarded

TLS technology

CloudMedic requires that a “secure session” be established, using Transport Layer Security (TSL) technology. This is done any time you supply or access information in one of our secure online areas.

No guarantee

CloudMedic cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, or to or from our online products or services.